Creating a successful law practice is a challenging task - it requires a high level of professional expertise, dedication, the honest desire to help clients and many successfully defended cases

Attorney-at-law Silvia Mincheva has achieved all of these. Her law firm specialises in fields such as banking law, consumer law and consumer protection, enforcement of cases, family and inheritance law, labour law, commercial law, protection against discrimination, copyright and patent law, administrative law. In each of these fields attorney Mincheva and her team focus on building lasting relations with clients, understanding and in-depth research of the case and excellent level of the professional services. The results are successfully defended cases in court. The philosophy of Silvia Mincheva Law Practice steps on the understanding of law, open communication with clients and careful research of each detail. Attorney Mincheva shares more.
Your law firm specialises in a wide sphere of civil law services. How are you capable of providing excellent quality of the service in each of them?
Establishing personal contact with the client, obtaining a detailed understanding of the facts and the evidence, and the case law, as source of law, are the foundation of creating the right strategy and achieving the best result for the client. In this respect, the law firm combines a high professional level of law services and personal approach towards the client. Our mission is enactment of law, justice and protection of rights. We have done it through the years with a lot of work, perseverance and dedication. The in-depth research of the legal case is in the foundation of its successful resolution.
Which part of law is most interesting for you professionally and why?
As a lawyer, I am interested in banking law and customer protection because in our dynamic lives almost all of us are in one way or another in relations with banks and credit institutions. Each of us uses bank services and the supply of financial products and services has increased, thus causing disputes. For clients it is crucial to make informed decisions when using different financial and credit products and services. The latest global financial crisis shook the financial markets and consumers’ trust in them decreased. As a countermeasure, the European institutions, and also Bulgarian ones, changed the laws, cementing consumers' protection as top priority.
Consumers of financial services should know their rights and what options they have to defend them - this is where we can help.
Which are the main professional challenges that you meet as a practising lawyer?
One of the main challenges is the frequent changes in laws. This creates a sense of unpredictability in all of us. Also, no matter how good a lawyer is, the judge will ultimately decide how the case will end. Lawyers’ job is to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of the citizens, a task that is highly demanding psychologically. This is why we, as professionals, need to find a balance. Law is a free profession, this obliges us to constantly uphold the principles of independence and honesty.
Personal contact with the clients is key in the philosophy of your law office. Can you share more about it?
Honest and open communication is in the foundation of our communication with the client; this could happen only if they trust us. It allows us to get fuller information on the case and to ensure that the client will get the best solution from us. The personal contact improves the relations with the client and will turn them into a long-term partnership. We strive through trust, honesty and personal approach towards everyone to satisfy their demands and to achieve the best result. This is first and foremost our law firm's philosophy on approach towards the client that turns the right strategy to successful results.
Which of your cases you will never forget and why?
I remember all of my cases because I have put in each of them not only my labour, but also a piece of my heart. However, I am focused on the current ones and I put all of my efforts in this direction. I could quote many cases, but the most memorable ones have a strong emotional feel attached. In many cases, the client’s destiny literally depends on getting success in court. In this respect some cases are a true challenge. However, we always successfully defend our clients' interests.
Sofia, 18 Shipchenski Prohod Blvd, Galaxy Trade Center, floor 1
+359 877 677 844
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