Comprehensive, modern care for your smile's health and beauty: Smile Care is a dental practice that has turned dedication to patients' well-being into a professional mission

The founder of the practice, Dr Srebrina Sokleva, shares more.
Why beautiful smile is something more than a pleasant feature on our face?
Beautiful smile emanates positive energy and confidence, it is like a magnet to people. It can break communicational ice and create the feeling of closeness and mutual trust. Beautiful smile also reflects good health and hygiene, which can be important for one's personal and professional growth. In this respect, smile is a powerful tool for communication and social prosperity. From a healthcare point of view, the teeth and the oral cavity to a significant degree resonate with the body's overall health. One of my patient's molar granuloma had provoked knee effusion. When I treated the granuloma the knee recovered. This patient was referred to me by her orthopedist, which underlines the importance of collaboration between specialists in different fields of healthcare and holistic approach towards human health. Tooth diseases often cause problems in the gastrointestinal and the respiratory systems – both are directly connected to the oral cavity. The closeness of the brain and other organs in the head define the importance of oral health.

Which is the safest way to keep it healthy and beautiful for longer?
Regular and proper care, combined with a healthy lifestyle. Regular check ups and professional cleaning save lots of problems. When patients are informed on the benefits of regular care they are more open to it, and the better informed they are, the better they are in overcoming their fear of the dentist and the more prone they are to visit the dental office not only when a problem occurs, but for general prophylaxis and cleaning. This is why I value the comprehensive approach towards one's oral health. In this respect, prevention is a broad term. It is the early treatment of caries; putting crowns on heavily destroyed teeth to prevent them from breaking; placing a prosthesis soon after a tooth extraction; granuloma treatment to stop it from causing an acute abscess; periodontitis treatment to prevent teeth from getting loose and falling; treatment of teeth grinding as it can cause strong headaches; teeth wearing; gastrointestinal problems. Here comes the importance of complex approach and collaboration with medical professionals from all fields of healthcare for our patients' dental health.

How can you help us when a dental problem occurs nevertheless?
Dental problems should be diagnosed quickly and timely, because acute pain or discomfort in the teeth or the soft tissues radically affect the quality of life. Acute toothache is one of the most unbearable pains in the human body, and the loss of more teeth impedes digestion and has lasting negative effects. The patient needs to see a dentist as soon as possible and do additional tests and imaging if needed. Stopping the pain and restoring the teeth's chewing capability are a priority in the treatment. Today, we know more on how the dynamic system of teeth, jaws and muscles works and how it affects other systems in the body. The constantly developing technologies and the practically endless access to trainings allow us to offer more sparing, pain-free and lasting solutions, faster and more precise diagnosis and more successful treatment and improvement of the oral cavity.
Sofia, 19 Tvardishki Prohod St, phone: 0898 53 87 47
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