A survey by Interpartners Communication Group and Research Center Trend reveals what Bulgarians think and the ethics of the local communication industry

In 2022, Interpartners Communication Group, a Bulgarian public relations leader, celebrated its 30th anniversary in a truly special way. It commissioned two surveys to Research Center Trend, that focused on the values of the Bulgarians as a nation and the ethics of the local communication industry. The results were announced on 25 January during a special event dedicated to improving the teamwork between communication agencies and the media.
The results of The Values That Connect Us survey paint an intriguing picture of a nation and professional guild in a state of flux.
Bulgarians as a whole remain traditionalists. They prefer a strong state that provides free education (90%) and healthcare (89%), and cherish peace (46%), family (37%) and security (36%). For 75% of them, life without children is pointless. If they have to choose, they would opt for security (50%) over freedom (43%).
Few of them would share the same apartment building, marry or be friends with ethnic minorities, refugees, LGBTQ people or people suffering from mental disorders.
On the more positive side, however, Bulgarians almost unanimously think that domestic work should be shared in the family and that women deserve equal pay and rights.
As a whole, Bulgarian society is becoming more liberal, although it is not there yet. The strong divisions that can be observed on contested political issues, particularly on the social media, seemingly are not that significant in the real life.

The results from the survey among communication professionals are as interesting. The professional guild is still divided and competition is big, the study revealed, but an increasing number of professionals realise that they should act, think and behave as a group with common interests in order to have better pay and to protect one another from unethical practices. A shared identity among the professionals in the separate companies is being formed and will, hopefully, lead to the creation of a competitive, but highly ethical professional environment.
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