Our homegrown Bolsheviks wanted to organise an October Revolution.

Gen Atanas Atanasov, chairman of DSB, on the unsuccessful no-confidence vote against the government

We will have to grab the devil's tail to drag this country out of the swamp.

Finance Minister Asen Vasilev

Corruption is the gravest problem in Bulgaria's power engineering. And it is a fact because the greatest part of the industry is owned by the state.

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It produced some of the brightest minds of the time. Since independence in 1878, however, it has been going downhill as its citizens sought their fortunes elsewhere and emigrated en masse. At present it is a pleasant backwater of a town tucked in the southern foothills of the Stara Planina mountain range. It is now known mainly for two things. It is the most popular gateway to hikers heading to conquer the Botev Summit (2,376 metres above sea level), the highest in the Stara Planina.

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Rory Miller's book Eyeball It: Village Culinary Adventures is a funny, warm and sometimes poignant exploration of rural Bulgarian life, and its food and people in the 2020s. On the pages of this semi-travelogue, semi-memoir and semi-cookbook you will encounter semi-abandoned villages in the northwest and the southeast. You will walk dusty streets, enter old kitchens that have changed little since the 1980s, and watch how the chicken for the soup is caught, killed and plucked.

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"Hey, beauty, let's go home and have sex."

" I can't do it just like that. We do not even have common acquaintances."

"Well, do you know Boyko Borisov?"

"Yes, I do."

"So, let's go!"


They say there is no unemployment in Bulgaria. That's not true. Look at how many people are looking for jobs as mayors.


When you see many people dressed in suits go to church and light candles or plant trees, local elections are in the offing.


Two politicians talk to each other.

"Hey, pal, how did you get rich?"

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Other angry citizens have taken to the park, where the MOCHA is situated. They have set up tents threatening they will defend with their bodies the pile of stones which they see as epitomising the victorious Red Army's fight against Nazism, for which the Bulgarian nation should be "eternally grateful." In the agencies of the state pen-pushers of all shapes and sizes scurry to manifest why the Red Army moment cannot be dismantled, at least not in the foreseeable future.

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We have laws already. What are we ranting about? All tarts woke up 16 years later to remember they were raped. Like the case of that American film director whom they turned a monkey into.

Former chairman of the National Assembly Culture Committee Vezhdi Rashidov

Sofia must be hospitable to the people of Sofia rather than the Italians, Germans and Englishmen who come in weekends to have a beer along Vitosha Boulevard.

Vanya Grigorova, candidate for the Sofia mayoralty

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1. Where is the Baba Vida fort?

A. In Varna

B. On the Vitosha

C. In Vidin

2. The anti-government rebellion known as the September Uprising was in...

A. 1923

B. 1944

C. 1876

3. Where is the Rozhen National Astronomical Observatory?

A. In the Stara Planina

B. In the Strandzha

C. In the Rhodope

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Perched on a rocky outcrop, it marks the easternmost point of Bulgaria. It was erected in the middle of the 19th century by a French company working on commission from the Ottoman sultan who was keen on modernising the outer reaches of his realm. The lighthouse survived many wars, natural disasters and political regimes, and it still stands where it was supposed to be originally. But – like at least a dozen other interesting, intriguing or bizarre sites in Bulgaria – you cannot visit it.

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Firstly, a bright light appeared in the sky over Vidin, at the River Danube, one dark, hot and mosquito-infested night. It was reputedly followed by a loud explosion. People were mesmerised and slightly frightened. During the following days the media reported a unusually large meteorite burning over Romanian territory, leaving no identifiable debris. But the event, which will probably go down in local lore as the World-Famous Vidinska Event, was the beginning rather than the end of the story.

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