Studio KSHTA has gathered a team of professionals led by innovative ideas and shared principles in architecture and design

The studio stands out with its team's diverse experience that covers work on a wide spectrum of projects – from large public buildings to the finest elements of interior design. This diversity allows us to have a 360-degree overview of each project and gives a comprehensive and well thought-over approach in architecture and design.
Moving power: Improving the environment
Our motivation stems from the realisation of the fundamental role of the environment in the development of society and our striving towards its improvement.

Our philosophy: Harmony, detail, action
The leading principle in our work is achieving harmony between each project and its context and inhabitants. We carefully analyse the location's unique characteristics – nature specificities, cultural context and social interactions, to create projects that not only blend with their environment but add value to it.
We, at Studio KSHTA, believe that careful attention to detail has the potential to transform a structure from just a functional site into an object of true relevance, meaning and effect. We strive towards precision at each stage of the process – from choosing the most suitable materials and techniques to the final touches, by focusing on the importance of each line, texture and nuance.

Comprehensive architecture and design services
Studio KSHTA offers a wide spectrum of services in the field of architectural and interior design. Our expertise includes consultation on property selection, preliminary survey and investment design of different types of buildings – from houses and blocks of flats to public and industrial sites.
In the field of interior design the studio offers comprehensive solutions that transform the spaces and create a cosy and inspiring environment. In the work process we use modern technologies such as 3D renderings and virtual reality that allow clients to see their future space long before it becomes material reality. We provide full documentation for the construction and assembly activities, specification of design elements, a palette of materials and deliverers, and layouts for manufacturing individual elements.

Customised project management
Proper management is key for the successful realisation of every project. Studio KSHTA offers a service for project management that includes preparation of detailed work and time schedules, coordination of the selection of contractors and materials, logistics organisation and constant control on the execution of each step of the process. Our team works in close cooperation with all participants in the process to guarantee that all projects are realised in accordance with the highest standards for quality within the planned budgets and deadlines.
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