Think you know Bulgaria and the Bulgarians? Take our test to doublecheck

1. The lowest temperature in Bulgaria, -38.3ºC, has been measured in...
A. Petrich
B. Svilengrad
C. Tran
2. The Iskar Gorge is in which mountain range?
A. The Stara Planina
B. The Sakar
C. The Strandzha
3. The mummers dancing across Bulgaria before Lent are called...
A. Kratuni
B. Kukeri
C. Kokoshki
4. Which is a traditional Bulgarian delicacy?
A. Elena ham
B. Dimljeni sir
C. Kefalograviera
5. Bulgaria has a research base in which distant location?
A. The Himalaya
B. The Amazon jungle
C. Antarctica
6. Which modern artist is of Bulgarian origin?
A. Marina Abramović
B. Damien Hirst
C. Christo
7. Where is the St Aleksandr Nevsky cathedral?
A. Sofia
B. Plovdiv
C. Varna
8. Cars with TX on the number plate are from...
A. Tutrakan
B. Tsarevo
C. Dobrich
9. Bulgaria's largest export and import destination is...
A. The USA
B. Germany
C. Russia
The correct answers:
1. – C; 2. – A; 3. – B; 4. – A; 5. – C; 6. – C; 7. – A; 8. – C; 9. – B.
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