Achieve your goals through a personal transformation with Simonika Deneva

Simonika Deneva is a psychologist, coach, therapist, author, and instructor of a series of personal development courses and trainings. She has created Seberazvitie Centre, which is an innovative part of Bal Care Dental Clinic.
How did your start your career?
All my life I have been looking for various practices, science methods, techniques to deal with life problems and to develop my personality. Ten years ago, when I was diving in the search of myself and swimming through the deep waters of my mind, I came to psychology and psychotherapy. I was interested in how to achieve inner harmony and most of all freedom. What makes us feel restricted are, in fact, our negative beliefs, which have been formed in our childhood.
I generally like to experiment with myself and I apply in my private practice with clients the things that have proven to work. Some of the most effective methods in therapy for dealing with psychological trauma and for personal transformation are mental therapy, meditation, and especially action. When a person is immersed in an emotional hole, it feels as if he/she is drowning in the sea, unable to swim out, which means – unable to dissociate from his/her mindset programmes. In this situation the therapist is in the role of a "lifeguard" who pulls the drowning person out of the water. But if the person never learns to swim the condition will probably reappear.
In this regard, how can people learn, what do they need?
The most important thing is the desire which motivates people to work on themselves, to get out of their comfort zone, to explore and strive to achieve a goal. Emotions, thoughts, beliefs are the things that activate the mind. They can lift it, or vice versa – crash it down. Each person is unique, having gone through different life experiences, and being at a certain stage of awareness, this is the reason why individual therapy is most preferred. I decided to combine my knowledge with multiple techniques and methods and offer online programmes and self-development courses. This way everyone can decide what the most appropriate service for them is and apply it at home to create a better version of themselves.
You mentioned partnering with a dental clinic, what is the connection between psychology and dental medicine?
Many physical symptoms are triggered by severe stress and suppressed emotions. Time today seems to be moving increasingly faster and the number of tasks to do is respectively growing. It is a well-known fact that high levels of stress lead to problems in the masticatory system – teeth, jaws, joints, muscles. This is what orthognathodontics is about and the field of dental medicine in which Dr. Trayko Balabanov specialises in Italy. The cooperation between psychologists and dentists is quite common in developed countries like the USA, Switzerland, Italy, etc.
That is why we created the Bal Care Clinic, which aims to take care of the smile of each of our patients psychologically and physically. Through a collaboration between psychologists and dentists, we aim to provide to anyone who needs it a pleasant and personalised journey of undergoing dental treatment, improving overall well-being and self-development.
SEBERAZVITIE Psychotherapy and personal development
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