Holistic approach is key in the work of the digital marketing agency, according to Alen Popovich, CEO

Chameleon is not the obvious choice for a mascot of a company that has essentially redefined the business field where it operates. For Connect Me, a digital marketing leader, the chameleon was the perfect choice. The animal that changes its colour to blend better with the environment is the perfect embodiment of Connect Me business philosophy.
Connect Me offers to each of its many clients a portfolio of personalised services tailored to fit to perfection their particular communication needs and business goals. There are no one-size-fits-all solutions at Connect Me, but a careful approach towards each customer and case, strategic planning based on in-depth knowledge of contemporary marketing, and openness to new ideas, points of views and tools and technologies.
Connect Me is fluent not only in the latest trends in digital marketing. The company understands the importance of multi-channel approach for achieving the best results, and offers IT, BTL and video services and expertise. It is also eager to help startups make the most of their ideas. The result is an impressive list of happy clients both big and small, and a motivated creative team eager to reach higher goals.
We wanted to learn more about the digital chameleons of Connect Me. This is why we invited Alen Popovich, the company's CEO, for an interview.
What does adequate digital marketing look like in 2023?
We concluded 2022 with our gazes fixed on the new realities and even, with just one click, dared to actually enter this new realm. Consumers are no longer satisfied with what is available on Earth, they now want cosmic space projects and experiences. For example, Lensa, an app created far back in 2018, became a viral hit only in 2022, when it turned to AI that is convenient and entertaining for mass audiences. Of course, this yet again underlined an important question which remains relevant for us as a society – where are the limits of using personal data and how to protect the copyright.
This is why if I can sum up in just one sentence what is the direction of digital marketing in 2023, I will say that it will again search for the balance between being relevant without infringing others' rights, between being fun but not frivolous, and offering products and services that come from the future and have strong messages and outstanding content. Here comes what we, at Connect Me, do. In 2023 we, as always, will continue helping our clients to materialise their ideas and dreams, but will also help them to maintain their good public image, to reach loyal audiences and to follow all written and unwritten rules of social channels.
How does Connect Me answer these new trends?
Connect Me has been on the market for over 15 years and since day one we never stopped learning and introducing and establishing new trends on the Bulgarian market. Through the years, our rich portfolio has shown that each business field has its own rules and that copy-pasting campaigns from one client to another, even if they are in the same branch, is doomed to fail.
We act in a manner similar to that of general practitioner doctors. We always begin with a full survey and audit of the particular client. Only after this we start treatment, if and when it is needed, and build different marketing strategies and events.
On what principle did you develop Connect Me's services portfolio?
Our company portfolio offers new services on a regular basis because the market demands such flexibility from us. We always aim to offer services in which we are experts. Often, we partner with other companies and individuals in order to offer the best results to our clients.
Personalisation is a key concept for Connect Me's philosophy for successful campaigns. How do you realise it in practice?
An excellent observation! It is crucial for both our clients and our team to work with bright individuals who are not afraid to publicly defend even unpopular views. This allows us to have a team sharing different opinions who, during the creative process, is able to create campaigns for the widest target audience possible.
Sadly, on the Bulgarian market work too many people who made the phrase "digital agency" a synonym of "ready-made solutions." We, at Connect Me, are doing our best to change this. Our year-long partnerships with a number of businesses is the best evidence for our success.
What is the most common mistake that companies make when choosing a digital marketing strategy?
For the Bulgarian market, this is definitely piecemeal work and mentality. One-time activities lead to one-time success. Digital marketing requires long-term plans and working every day to achieve them.
In the best case scenario, the companies would improve their employees' digital marketing literacy by sending each of them on a couple of beginners' courses. We, at Connect Me, actually offer digital marketing strategy 101 to many of our corporate clients. However, it is fatal when a company gives to a team member in another position the task to maintain as well its digital presence. This practice definitely does not work. Proper digital marketing requires experience and expertise.
What is the most challenging and memorable campaign that Connect Me has organised so far?
It sounds cliche, but we go with all of our chameleonic colours in each new task for every client, be it a new or an established partner. The businesses for which we prepare complete marketing solutions are radically different from one another which provokes our team to work in different directions. Probably one of our most memorable campaigns was when we were included in the marketing campaign for a candidate for the US Congress. I cannot share more details, but the US is the Mecca of advertisement and we did our best to gain invaluable experience from this assignment. We are structured in a way that allows us to see the most challenging thing in each campaign, and to turn it into something memorable.
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