When you have an especially complicated case that involves different types of contracts and real right cases, your best shot at successful resolution is attorney at law Bogomil Yordanov

Experienced, energetic, and driven, he feels in his element when he is working on hard-to-crack cases. His legal practice, however, offers a wider scope of legal services by top professionals, ensuring that you get the best outcome regardless of the particularities of your case.
What, in your opinion, defines a good lawyer?
I believe that we will recognise the good lawyer first in their love for their profession and their sincere desire to help their clients. When you love what you do everything runs smoothly and more complex cases become an opportunity to grow and acquire new knowledge and skills. A good lawyer should always be in line with the current changes in law and case law in order to provide adequate evaluation of the case and to react in the best possible way to protect their clients. Of course, we should not underestimate the role of previous experience with similar cases. When the cases are more complex and challenging, creative thinking and the skill to predict all possible outcomes are also instrumental. Law is sometimes like playing chess – you should know very well the figures on the board and should be capable of foreseeing your opponent's possible moves. When you have the needed knowledge, passion for your profession, experience and skill to come up with creative solutions that help you predict possible outcomes from particular situations, then you are definitely a good lawyer.
You are a fighter in life, a true self-made respected professional. How does this help you to offer top quality services to your clients?
Indeed, I grew up in a poor family and started working when I was 13. I competed in bodybuilding and weight-lifting; a serious car crash did not stop me from becoming the Balkan bodybuilding champion. I graduated cum laude from university, I worked in a ministry and then, with some people of influence. I firmly believe that each of us chooses how they perceive hardship – as an opportunity or as an obstacle. Doing sport from an early age taught me discipline and accepting each difficulty as a challenge. I learned to try again, and again, and again, by searching how I can improve myself, not to blame outside factors beyond my control. These lessons help me even today, because they make me more disciplined and resilient, seeking resolution to any situation. To give a shorter answer: the discipline I learnt in my past and my refusal to surrender help me a lot in my work and the services that we offer in the practice.
You specialise in law of obligations and real right law. What makes these fields so exciting for you?
The law of obligations regulates public relationships in signing, changing, execution, and termination of contracts, and the relevant rights and obligations. Here, for me, is where real law is and a lawyer can unleash their potential. Obligation relationships can result in a number of connected and complicated cases involving different rights and obligations between the parties. In more complex cases, the lawyer should be capable of seeing the general view, putting the whole jigsaw puzzle together and offering the client a comprehensive strategy for attack or defence, depending on which party they represent. This often requires mastery and skills, not straight line thinking. I love cases with complex contractual relationships and I get very excited in moments when I am putting the jigsaw puzzle together, considering the best strategy.
In real right law there are often complicated property cases that require more skills and thinking, and there is some overlap with the law of obligations and different contractual relationships. Sometimes you need to declare null and void a preliminary contract for property purchase or to ask it to become final, to object and dispute title deeds and connected contractual relationships between the parties.
This is what makes it so exciting for me – to solve as big a puzzle as possible and to find a solution, without missing even the tiniest detail. The opportunity to avoid clear-cut and run-of-the-mill cases.
Your practice offers a wide range of legal services. How do you choose the professionals in your team?
Choosing the right lawyers to work with is a very demanding and hard task. I would trust a colleague to become a part of my team only after I have seen them working on a case. I do not believe words and recommendations. Of course, everyone specialises in a field. Currently, I am working on expanding my team of lawyers. Professionals that are very good in a particular field or type of cases will get the chance to specialise in them and to become even better. Law requires narrow specialisation, no lawyer can be expert in all types of cases.
Which of your cases you will never forget?
One Friday, these clients gave us two folders, totalling 1,000 pages, and asked us for a solution to a case that involved many contracts, transfers of properties and companies, follow-up property sales, creditors' disabilities – everything I like. On Tuesday, I presented the clients with a comprehensive strategy of what cases I believed had to be filed. The clients said their lawyers never talked that way and that no-one had ever come up with solutions like mine. However, then started the hard part – the realisation of the strategy. The cases are still in court. Sadly, such clients are a rarity, but they make me happy and feeling sucessful when I find a solution.
Sofia, 55 Sveti Naum St, phone: 0890 399 993
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